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Marriage help

It was Tuesday and my daughter normally goes to dance for 2 hours.  I normally drop her off and then go to the bookstore and do some reading until it's time to pick her up.  Well she wasn't feeling well after school and did not go to dance.  This change in schedule really threw me off.  I knew I was sensitive to changes in routine but I didn't realize just how sensitive I was.  Honestly, I didn't know what to do with myself.  Nothing felt right.  My husband told me that I needed to do something, that I needed to go to the bookstore anyway or take a break.  Even though I did not take his advice this time, he was right and I will take his advice going forward.  He is learning so much about me, my needs, and the best way for me to operate.  I'm realizing that God uses our husbands to mold and shape us into the wives that He wants us to be. 

Today is Thursday and I had another situation occur at my kids' school.  I was upset about how a couple of things were handled with my son and daughter.  The first thing my husband said to me was you shouldn't hold on to that.  He was referring to how bothered I was by what had happened at the school.  When he said that, I realized that I do hold on to stuff.  I don't necessarily hold grudges but I do remain bothered about certain things, longer than I should.  I also realized that I needed to pray about what action I can take to ensure that I am not overly bothered by certain incidences.  The second thing my husband said is that I should take a walk.  I didn't listen to my husband on Tuesday, but I certainly listened to him today.  God can use our husbands in a powerful way when we learn more about the position our husbands hold in the marriage.

I have been, secretly, praying that God would show me what He wants for me through my husband.  I have also been praying that God would use my husband to mold and shape me.  Some women might be appalled by that prayer.  But the bible says that the husband is the head of woman and Christ is the husband's head.  The scripture is below

1 Corinthians 11:3 says "But I want you to know that the heard of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.

When a wife yield to God in this, she can really start to experience all the great things that God desires for her as a wife.  A Godly husband will not be as hard on you as you are on yourself.  A Godly husband will desire that your yoke be easy and your burden be light, reflecting what Jesus wants for you in Matthew 11:30.  But we have to give our husband a chance to cultivate this.  We can't do that if we do not take the "submissive posture of a wife".


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