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How do you handle your truth

God is speaking to me and I can't focus on anything else right now.  I'm trying to get my homework done but I can't.  In this moment nothing else matters but what I hear.  This is about love, this about your truth, and what to do with the bigness of that truth.  "Truth is huge and cannot be contained.  We do try to contain our truth though.  We try to contain it in the way we dress, in the way we talk, in the way we talk, in the way we move about in this world.  This is because many of us are scared of our truth.  Many of us are scared of what it might do to our relationships, our families, our careers even.  Truth is not always pretty, not always cut and dry, and can be downright messy most of the time.  But we know without a doubt that "truth" is good.  Jesus said that when we know the truth, the truth makes us free (John 8,32)

31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

I am in the process of facing a certain truth about myself and figuring out what to do with that truth.  Do I allow it to set me free or do I stay in bondage.  Do I trust God to keep me, sustain me, plant my feet steady on His path of righteousness or do I remain frightened that I might falter.  Remaining frightened that I might falter is stupid because I do falter.  I'm human.  But can I trust God to keep me from going to far in my stumbling.  I can't avoid stumbling anymore.  I think I have been trying to do that.  "Avoid" is not the right word. I do believe avoidance is sometimes a wise thing.  I think what I'm saying is that I can't live in bondage to the fear of stumbling.  

God will reveal some things to you about yourself.  What you do with those things are very important.  How you handle those things are very important.  Channeling your truth wisely is paramountTruth can be mishandled.  We see that in how the religious leaders handled Jesus.

The first question is "How do you handle Jesus?"  "What do you do with Jesus?"  

The second question is "How do you handle what He shows you about yourself?"

They crucified Jesus. Whom and what have you crucified?  

Another question is what does crucify even mean??

Well the Greek definition for "crucify" is To impale on the cross, to extinguish (subdue) passion or selfishness.   

It seems that what the bible says about crucifying the flesh with it's passions and desires is a good thing.  But how do you do that?  Do you do it by denying what is there?  I don't think so.  I think when we deny the things we struggle with we set up a snare for ourselves.  Do we act on it?  No, the bible says that "when desired has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death." (James 1,15).  So what do we do?  We seek purpose, more specifically God's purpose for our lives.  We channel it into God's purpose we don't let it draw us away from God, we allow it to bring us closer to God.  We ask God to protect us, knowing our weaknesses.  We ask God to use it for His glory.  I'm still processing this.  Until next time......................................


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