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Knowing your cycle

I believe knowing our seasons and cycles is really important to our growth as individuals but our overall contentment with life.  As a stay-at-home mom I have a lot of control over my own environment and that can be a good thing and a bad thing.  A good thing if you can handle coming face to face with certain struggles you have, a bad thing if you don't know how to respond to those struggles.  I think in the hustle and bustle of "single" life there are a lot of things that you don't have to face about yourself and therefore do not deal with.  But when you start a family and life slows down that all changes.  Here it is Feb 10, 2011 and here is what I'm reporting:

It's Thursday and one of the 2 days a week that my daughter is in school.  In the past I have destined the day for getting chores done around the house, cooking nourishing meals, errands, and so on..............however lately I have been feeling like I'm on a hamster wheel and it's taking away from my productivity.  Slowing down to tend to myself is uncomfortable.  I think there are times where we need to push through and stick to our routines and I think there are times when we need to switch them up.  That's why knowing our cycle is important.  I believe our lives our cyclical in these ways and if we payed enough attention we would start to recognize the times we need to switch up and the times we need to ride it through until the mood passes.  I think in becoming a Christian this is an area of my life I've ignored for a long time because it's something that has been ignored by the Christian Community for the most part.  Women especially have suffered for it.  God has put seasons and cycles in place in nature for a reason and it's important to come to understand the seasons and cycles in our own lives, so that we may respond accordingly and with wisdom.  Most people are just looking for stable lives.  Not lives full of extreme ups and downs.  This blog is my effort to stop and take notice of myself and what I'm going through, to determine whether it needs a response at all and what that response should be.   I know it does need a response.  When you feel like you are on a "Hamster Wheel" regarding your routine, it doesn't mean something is wrong with your routine.  When you have lost productivity within your routine, and you are tired all the time..............that could mean you need a "jolt"...maybe shake things up a bit by switching up your routine.  My husband said that when we take a break from our routine.  It helps us be more diligent when we return to it.  It's Feb 10th and I need a jolt or maybe a better word is resuscitation which is medically defined as "is an emergency procedure which is attempted in an effort to return life to a person in cardiac arrest"  When they perform the procedure there is a "jolt".  In order to resuscitate myself in order to return to my routine in a more productive, full of life way I will do the following.
1.  Stay up late (I've been night owl for awhile, but I force myself in bed around 11pm every night because I know I have to get up at 7am to take care of daughter)
2.  Use my daughter bathroom instead of my own for showering (Her bathroom has a much warmer atmosphere than our master bathroom, our master bathroom has a cold feel to it, when we move I think I will want our master bathroom to be a more traditional design instead of these big jacuzzi tubs and such.  It's more work and it just doesn't seem cozy.
3.  Have friends over (I grew up in an environment where people where always coming by our house, my parents entertained guest without entertaining, they just had a knack for it.  It's no wonder there were few weekends where our driveway wasn't full of cars.)  Not to mention, I've always been a people person and have always struggles when time with being with friends and family had to come to an end.

That's what I'm doing and I will report the results. I believe that we get in certain moods when we ovulate and knowing how to respond to these moods will help us lead more contented lives.  I want to hear from other women out there.  I'm a people person and I want some cyber friends to join me on my journey and interact with me.


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