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1 Tim 2:15 Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.

Phill 2:12work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;

These are my own meditations that came up today.  I have seen the work that God has done in me as a SAHM.  The first scripture reminds me of that work.  God has given me charge over my daughter's development in so many ways and empowered me to to know and influence and manage that development.  I am so glad to know my daughter in such a way where God can use me to keep her healthy, keep her moving forward to reach all her milestones and to help her to develop spiritually.  God has turned me into a mom who knows that her purpose is to raise her children in the fear of the Lord.   I had dreams before we had Noah, but now my biggest dream is to see God's purpose come to full fruition for Noah's life.  I want to be the best I can be for my family.  The best wife for Reggie and the best mom for Noah, that's my dream to!  These are the things I work towards right now, with a full knowing that only God knows what they need and only God can lead me in fulfilling those needs.  Along the way I become a better, more focused individual.  When my hubby and I decided that I would be a SAHM I didn't always have a clear vision of why I was doing it.  It was a little blurry at first.  After 3 years, my vision is clear as ever and my convictions are as strong as ever. This is not the path that every mom takes because everybody is different but this path helps me to work out my own salvation with fear and trembling.  Sometimes people try to tell you "how to work out your salvation".  But you gotta work it out between you and God.  You gotta allow God to show the path that is going to place you in that daily struggle with Him.  Trust me, it's a good struggle and a struggle that God welcomes from those that are His.  


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