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What is "reasonable"

There is a scripture burning my heart right now:

Romans 12:1New King James Version (NKJV)

Living Sacrifices to God

12 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 
The 3 words that stood out to me in the text are 
1.  Living
2. Present
3. Reasonable

There are only 3 things I want to share from my heart:
1.  In the Old Testament you had to kill the animals before you sacrificed them, so they were "dead" sacrifices. But it says in the scripture above that God wants "living" sacrifices.  Why does God want living sacrifices now instead of dead sacrifices?
2.  The word "present"  is defined in the greek below:
paristémi: to place beside, to present, stand by, appear 
 The particular part of the definition that stood out to me was "to place beside".  I saw a movie where some snow dogs got abandoned in Alaska during a very harsh winter and they had to survive on their own.  This word presents reminds me of a certain scene played out in the movie.  The pack of dogs had a leader.  It was a girl and she had a kind of seniority over the pack of dogs. She also took care of them.  Well she became injured and was unable to be find food. There was another dog who was kind of the rebel of the pack.  Well, he went and killed a bird and even though he was hungry, he dropped what he had in front of the "leader".  He walked up to her, as she lay on the ground, dropped it in front of her and then backed away to where the rest of the pack stood.  It was like a show of honor and respect.  That is the best visual, for me, of presenting my body as a living sacrifice to God. I'm like "this is all I have God, I give it to you."   Just as the dog dropped what he had in front of his leader, I drop what I drop what I have in front of God then I leave it with Him.  It's like "Here is what I have God, I give it to you". It's like "Here is what I am God, I give it to you".  
3.  The word reasonable really stood out to me.  Because it's like God is saying "This is reasonable for you to do, it's not unreasonable.  It's reasonable."  I asked myself "What do I think is reasonable as opposed to what God thinks is reasonable?"
Below is the greek definition for the word "reasonable" as it's used in this context:
logikós (from 3056 /lógos, "reason") – properly, logical because divinely reasonable, i.e. "what is logical to God" (logic working through the divine reasoning known through faith). 
It says above that to offer our bodies a s living sacrifice is what's logical to God.

All these things are making me think about some things differently.  I hope it challenges you as well.  God bless.  


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