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Love & Crisis

I am bursting with stuff to share, but really haven't known if it's the time to share it.  Or even if this is the platform.  There have been some foundational lessons that God has been teaching me.  Gosh, I haven't blogged so long.  I don't know where to start.  I long to connect with my readers on  a more personal level.

 I don't know how many of you are married.  But statistically marriages will go through a crisis about every 10 years.  It could be health, financial, loss of a loved one, parenting issues, etc.  My husband and I went through our first crisis last year, and guess what?  Last year was our 10th year of marriage.  Ours was financial.  Honestly, it went on for about 2 years but reached the worst of it last year.  We were in danger of losing our home.  The only reason we are in our home today is because God used our family and our church to help us.  But it was rough for awhile and it truly tested our marriage.  We had the worst arguments of our marriage during this time.  But we had decided we were going to let this make our marriage stronger not weaker.  There were times, we were ready to give up.............. but you never let a temporary situation cause you to make a permanent decision that you will regret.  So many great things have happened as a result of our crisis.  It has forced me to let go and trust God more, it has humbled me.  It is still humbling me.  We are doing better but we have alot to dig out of.  As a result of this crisis, I got a job after being a stay at home mom for 9 years.  I got a job at my kids' school with an amazing staff that has become like a family to me.  God gave me a purpose at my kids' school. It wasn't just to be there working, His timing and His purposes were evident.  Now one of my new daily prayers is "God whatever you do, do it in a way that keeps me humble"  Life is better when I'm trusting God.  It takes away the stress and anxiety.  Even now I have to remind myself of that, as of late I have been anxious about a couple changes with my work

I have stopped being so overprotective of my kids.  God has shown me, with Jesus, that the reason why Jesus died on the cross for us, is because God knew, at the beginning, that we were going to forsake Him.  That His creation would fall into sin.  As a loving Father, instead of trying to stop us and control us, He provided a way to help us rise up again.  That's what good parents do.  We don't try to control our kids, we provide a way for them to rise up again when they fail.  Just like us, they will fail over and over again.  Just like we don't have to be afraid to fail and we can take comfort in knowing that God already has a way to lift us back up, we don't have to be afraid of failure for our kids and they don't have to be afraid either.  We want our kids to live boldly and God wants us to live boldly. 

So, if you are like me and you are asking the question "How could God let this happen?"  It's because He is a loving Father, who doesn't want to control us. That wouldn't be love.  Love does not control.

         "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is no puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil........................."(1 Corintheans 13:4,5)


  1. God is funny!
    I was just wondering about you the other day.

    I'm truly grateful for your post / testimonies. They have made me reevaluate how I hand difficult situations.

    May God continue to bless your family!


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